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"Studia Regionalne i Lokalne"
University of Warsaw
Centre for European Regional
and Local Studies EUROREG

Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30 str
00-927 Warsaw, Poland

e-mail: sril.euroreg[at]uw.edu.pl
www: www.studreg.uw.edu.pl


Detailed contact information:

Professor Agnieszka Olechnicka – Editor-in-Chief (a.olechnicka[at]uw.edu.pl)
Professor Mikołaj Herbst – Deputy Editor-in-Chief (m.herbst[at]uw.edu.pl)
Professor Paweł Churski – Editor (chur[at]amu.edu.pl)
Professor Tomasz Komornicki – Editor (t.komorn[at]twarda.pan.pl)
Professor Iwona Sagan – Editor (iwona.sagan[at]ug.edu.pl)
Dr Dorota Celińska-Janowicz – Executive Editor (sril.euroreg[at]uw.edu.pl)



University of Warsaw, Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG) (euroreg[at]uw.edu.pl)

Regional Studies Association - Polish Section (rsa.polska[at]uw.edu.pl)



Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar (info[at]scholar.com.pl)