Quarterly „Studia Regionalne i Lokalne” publishes scientific articles, book reviews and conference reports. We publish papers in Polish and English in full open access, without any publication fees.
Submissions of articles (in Polish or English) should be made through our submission system. Submission to „Studia Regionalne i Lokalne” means that all the listed authors have agreed on all the content. The corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached.
Scientific papers should meet the following requirements:
Papers published in our journal should not exceed about 22 pages (40 000 characters, with spaces). A short abstract (max 100 words) and keywords (max 6) should be added as well as the basic information about all authors (affiliation with institution’s address, authors’ e-mails and correspondence postal addresses) as well as all appropriate acknowledgements. In the case of multi-author articles, please indicate the main author and give her / his name first. All figures, tables and maps (in vector format) should be placed in the article exactly as they should appear in print.
Information clause regarding the processing of authors' personal data by the Editorial Office is available here.
The text must contain all tables, maps, drawings and other graphic elements in a ready-to-print form, in the place where they are to be ultimately placed in the published article. All maps, illustrations and diagrams should be included in the article in a vector format (eg CDR) with a white background. Photos and maps that are not subject to editing should have a resolution of not less than 300 dpi. In the case of diagrams and charts (created, for example, in Word or Excel), please paste them in an editable form (as a graphic object, not an image or a bitmap). Due to the specificity of the Quarterly, the editorial office pays special attention to the quality of the maps - primarily in terms of content (selection of the appropriate cartographic presentation method, scale, legend, etc.) and technical issues (map readability, including signatures on the map).
Quotations and references to other authors should be marked in the text with the name of the author and the year of publication (eg Kowalski 1998, Nowak 1976a) according to the rules of the Harvard style. In the case of literal quotes, the page number should be provided and the quoted fragment should be placed in quotation marks. The full bibliography should be attached at the end of the article, and all items referred to in the text should strictly correspond to the items in the bibliography.
The publication of articles in the Quarterly is free of charge.
For articles published in "Studia Regionalne i Lokalnych" we set the highest requirements not only in terms of content and form but also ethics. It is unacceptable not to disclose information about persons or entities who significantly contributed to the publication (including financial contribution). Such information should be included in the information about the authors of the article, acknowledgements or a footnote at the beginning of the text, e.g. on the source of research funding, with the full name of the funding institution. Those who did not contribute to the article in any way should not be mentioned among the authors of the article. Any such practices detected will be revealed, including notification to the relevant entities (institutions employing authors, scientific societies, scientific editors' associations, etc.). Detailed rules of publishing ethics are described here.
By submitting the text, the authors declare that they are its actual and only authors and that the text is original, not published anywhere before (regardless of the language of the publication) or not published in any other journal or other type of publication. The editorial office reserves the right to verify the validity of this declaration (also by using an anti-plagiarism program). In the case of multi-author articles, the person submitting the article also declares that is authorized to do so by the other co-authors. Submitting an article for publication in the Quarterly means that the Authors are familiar with the rules of publishing ethics and that they declare compliance with them during the preparation of the article as well as the review procedure.
By submitting the article the authors declare that they are the copyright holders and that the article does not infringe the copyrights of third parties. Written confirmation of this state takes place only in the case of articles accepted for publication, in the form of a non-exclusive license agreement signed by the authors and the publisher of the Quarterly. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.
All articles are made available in the Archive section under the CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license at the moment of publication. The authors can publish and disseminate their articles on the Internet (including repositories) without any restrictions, using the file provided in the Archive.