Published in

- Karolina CzerwińskaInnovative implementation of the European social fund assistance: the Irish case. What lessons for Poland[more]
- Ryszard CzyszkiewiczRegional vocational activity, entrepreneurship and unemployment[more]
- Joanna FurtakEvolution of the regional policy in the UK – its institutions, objectives, instruments and scope[more]
- Grzegorz Gorzelak, Maciej SmętkowskiThe development of the metropolis in the information economy – the role of global and regional systems[more]
- Ewa Nowińska-Łaźniewska, Tomasz GóreckiMethods of spatial-economic research in dynamic approach and their application in regional studies. Visualisation of Phenomena[more]
- Karol OlejniczakNETWIN project Coordination Aditec, NETWIN – A Methodological Guide to Networking and Innovation, Aditec, France: Pas-de--Calais 2003, 122 s. (recenzja)[more]
- Sławomir PastuszkaImportance of Public-Private Partnerships for ventures coofinanced by European funds[more]
- Zbigniew Rykiel, Katarzyna ŻerebeckaQuality of Life, Human needs and Social Pathology: The Case of Prostitution in the City of Bydgoszcz[more]