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Janusz Zaleski, Paweł Tomaszewski

Macroeconomical effects of the implementation of the national development plan 2004–2006

Macroeconomical effects of the implementation of the national development plan 2004–2006
The article describes the forecasts for the 2004-2006 National Development Plan implementation on the performance of Poland`s economy up to 2010. The estimations are based on the Polish version of HERMIN model. Several development paths for Poland are predicted upon varying assumptions on the ability to absorb the EU assistance, and varying efficiency of use of those funds. In general, it is demonstrated that Poland`s accession to EU will bring a significant economic improvement by increasing GDP growth rate and depressing unemployment rate.
Janusz Zaleski: Wrocławska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego (ul. Karmelkowa 29 52-437 Wrocław);
Paweł Tomaszewski: Wrocławska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego (ul. Karmelkowa 29 52-437 Wrocław);