Published in

- Marian ChojnackiMarketing Oriented Approach to Planning of Local Development[more]
- Bohdan JałowieckiThe Area of Entertainment – New Metropolitan Space[more]
- Bohdan JałowieckiJ. Gądecki, 2005, Architektura i tożsamość, rzecz o antropologii architektury, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Rolewski, 148 s. (recenzja)[more]
- Kinga A. KomorowskaPerception of the Bieszczady National Park by Tourists and Inhabitants[more]
- Elżbieta KozłowskaThe City after Military Base Closure[more]
- Piotr LorensArchitectural and Urban Order as the Element of Poland’s Spatial Arrangement System[more]
- Andrzej K. PiaseckiDirect Democracy in Local Poland – Wrong Model, Bad Practice[more]
- Piotr SzczygłowskiRailway Missions and the Problems of the Travellers[more]