Published in

- Jakub GałuszkaSpace of Manifestation: How Graffiti Transforms Urban Space[more]
- Marta GötzFrom Federal Republic to Regierungsbezirke – the Multilevel Landscape of Knowledge in Germany[more]
- Maciej Kowalewski„I Live in Social Housing Associations”. Social Identifications of Social Housing Tenants[more]
- Katarzyna A. Kuć-CzajkowskaMetropolitan Functions of Warsaw, Prague and Budapest[more]
- Martin Pudlik, Cyryl GarusLike a Phoenix from the Ashes. Can the Ruhr Area Provide Blueprints for the Regional Development in Upper Silesia?[more]
- Maciej Smętkowski, Bohdan Jałowiecki, Grzegorz GorzelakMetropolitan Areas of Poland: Assessment and Recommendations[more]