Published in

- Jacek PoniedziałekSelected concepts ofregion in sociology and ethnography developed in the Second Republic of Poland[more]
- Robert PykaEvolution of local urban government in France at the beginning ofthe 21st century. New dimensions and challenges on the example ofthe Metropolis of Lyon in France[more]
- Marek KozakIntegrated Territorial Investments as an experiment[more]
- Agnieszka KozeraThe debt ofthe metropolises in Poland in 2007–2013[more]
- Adam Gendźwiłł, Tomasz ŻółtakThe consequences of the introduction of single-member districts in local elections[more]
- Dorota ManteyPotential spatial conflcts in the suburban zone from the perspective of residents’ needs (on the example of Lesznowola, Warsaw metropolitan area)[more]
- Andrzej MiszczukPiotr Eberhardt, Rozwój światowej myśli geopolitycznej (recenzja)[more]