Published in

- Marek KozakCohesion policy 2014–2020: Revolution, reform or maintaining the status quo?[more]
- Marcin Wiśniewski, Natalia ŁukaszewskaThe impact ofselected aspects ofthe fiancial policy oflocal government units on their development: An attempt ofevaluation on the example ofthe cities ofthe Union of Polish Metropolises[more]
- Rafał WiśniewskiSocial perception ofthe spatial accessibility ofservices[more]
- Adam Gendźwiłł, Tomasz Żółtak, Jakub RutkowskiUncontested elections, missing candidates: Why do certain electoral committees refuse to nominate candidates for mayors?[more]
- Bartosz Bartosiewicz, Iwona PielesiakSpatial inflence ofcultural institutions in Łódź[more]
- Danuta Guzal-DecThe feasibility ofimplementing the concept ofneo-endogenous development as a response to development problems ofvaluable natural areas ofthe Lublin voivodship[more]