Published in

- Zbyszko ChojnickiMethodological Problems in Regional Studies[more]
- Adam FularzThe Development of Suburban Retail Distribution Centres in the Light of Transport Economics[more]
- Anna Gąsior-NiemiecField, Habitus and Imago Regionis: An Alternative Approach to the Study of Region[more]
- Robert GeislerCivil Society and Local Democracy in Tychy[more]
- Grzegorz GorzelakPoland’s Regional Policy Facing the Differentiation of the Polish Space[more]
- Tomasz Grzegorz GrosseGuidelines Proposals for the Governmental Strategy for Regional Development[more]
- Bohdan JałowieckiBerlin Potsdamer Platz – Integration and Disintegration of the Metropolis[more]
- Maciej KowalewskiS. Low, 2003, Behind the Gates. Life, Security, and the Pursuit of Happiness in Fortress America, New York, London: Routledge, 272 s. (recenzja)[more]
- Elżbieta MichałowskaLocal Conflict in Brzeziny and Its Social Consequences[more]
- Mirka MitukiewiczGolf as a Global Sport[more]
- Anna TucholskaZ. Bauman, 2004, Życie na przemiał, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 205 s. (recenzja)[more]