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5(Special Issue)/2007 (no guest editor)

Tomasz Zarycki

An Interdyscyplinary Model of Centre-Periphery Relations: A Theoretical Proposition

An Interdyscyplinary Model of Centre-Periphery Relations: A Theoretical Proposition
The article was published in Polish in "Studia Regionalne i Lokalne", 1/2007   The paper proposes a model in which centre-periphery relations defined at a high level of generality (from the global level down to regional structures) can be analysed from a perspective of a number of disciplines, including political science (e.g. Rokkan’s theory of peripheries and centre-periphery cleavages), sociology (e.g. Bourdieu’s theory of the forms of capital) and linguistics (discourse analysis including code switching and politeness theories). It focuses on the nature of the discourse of peripheral elites which, as it is argued, live in a two or more dimensional social space and communicate in at least two separate codes (particularly languages): peripheral and central. Using the above mentioned theoretical concepts, the paper offers an attempt at theorisation of the mechanism of mutual perception of the centre and the periphery.
Tomasz Zarycki: Instytut Spraw Społecznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ul. Stawki 5/7, 00 - 183 Warszawa);