Published in

- Grzegorz Masik, Iwona SaganStrategies and tools supporting economic resilience: The case of some European regions[more]
- Miroslava LungováResilience of the Czech Regions to an external economic shock[more]
- Łukasz DrozdaProperty in the neoliberal model on the example of the Polish urban area after 1989[more]
- Sylwia DołzbłaszTransborder cooperation network in the Polish-Czech borderland[more]
- Szymon WiśniewskiChanging intraregional accessibility of the Łódź province as a result of the opening of the eastern and western bypass of Łódź[more]
- Wojciech GrabowskiFactors determining the likelihood of reelection ofPolish mayors[more]
- Olimpia Gogolin, Eugeniusz SzymikAndrzej Klasik (red.), 2015, Badania miejskie i regionalne. Potencjały rozwojowe oraz kierunki przemian w miastach i regionach (recenzja)[more]