Published in

- Renata Białobrzeska, Renata Marks-BielskaCooperation and Integration in the Baltic Sea Region in the Light of Empirical Studies[more]
- Ewa FrąckiewiczInformation Policy in Local Governments in the Light of Research (the Example of Western Pomerania)[more]
- Maciej FrykowskiDiversity of Dwellers` Social Status in the Urban Space of Łódź[more]
- Tomasz Grzegorz GrosseAssessment of the Administrative Capacity in Regional Administrations in Poland for implementation of the Integrated Regional Development Operational Programme 2004-2006[more]
- Ryszard Rózga LuterKnowledge Economy and Regional Development: The Case of the Central Region in Mexico[more]
- Andrzej Pawluczuk, Małgorzata WasiukE-government wkracza do samorządu (z praktyki)[more]
- Agata SeremakAndrzej Lisowski, 2003, Koncepcje przestrzeni w geografii człowieka, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych (recenzja)[more]
- Katarzyna SzmigielInternational Cooperation in Peripheral Region on the Example of Lubelskie Region[more]