Published in

- Paweł Swianiewicz, Julita ŁukomskaLocal tax competition in Poland[more]
- Piotr WernerThe rebound effect in ICT development in households in Poland[more]
- Marek W. KozakHistorical residences in the Czech Republic and in Poland: Regional variation and reasons of the differences[more]
- Mieczysław Adamowicz, Paweł JanulewiczEvaluation of socio-economic development of large cities in Poland – results of a study with the use of the Hellwig development pattern method[more]
- Mariusz MalinowskiHuman potential and economic effectiveness of enterprises: Application of taxonomic measures in a regional spectrum[more]
- Katarzyna Radzik-MaruszakThe Tampere model: An example of implementation of the New Public Governance idea[more]
- Urszula KaźmierczakThe significance of local raw rock material mining for the communes’ economy[more]
- Roman SzulWielki Inspirator. Wokół poglądów ekonomicznych i społeczno-politycznych Antoniego Kuklińskiego[more]