Published in

- Janusz Heller, Marcin BogdańskiExpenditures on Research and Development in Poland in Comparison with Chosen European Countries[more]
- Wioletta KawieckaThe Ownership Changes in Poland in Regional Area[more]
- Piotr LorensSpatial Management vs. Sustainable Urban Development Policy[more]
- Wojciech Tomasz ModzelewskiA. Skorupska (red.), 2005, Współpraca międzynarodowa samorządu gminnego, Warszawa: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych - Raporty, 137 s. (recenzja)[more]
- Agnieszka OlechnickaPolish Scientific and Research Centres in the ESPON Programme[more]
- Karol OlejniczakTheory and Practice of Evaluation in the European Union[more]
- Paweł SwianiewiczNew Theoretical Interpretations of Urban Politics[more]
- Arkadiusz TuziakConditions of the Innovation Level in Public Administration in the Process of Local and Regional Development (the example of Podkarpacie province)[more]