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- Maciej Smętkowski, Agnieszka Olechnicka, Adam PłoszajAcademic cooperation as an element of European regions’ innovation potential[more]
- Paweł Swianiewicz, Julita ŁukomskaThe impact of territorial split of municipalities and counties on their operating costs[more]
- Katarzyna Szmigiel-RawskaThe climate change policy mechanisms of Polish local governments[more]
- Agnieszka StanowickaThe role of tourism in stimulating the development of towns and cities according to representatives of town halls of the Warmian-Masurian voivodeship[more]
- Jerzy Rembeza, Maria Klonowska-MatyniaRelationships between unemployment in metropolitan, suburban, and peripheral labour markets in Poland[more]
- Monika Mularska-Kucharek, Kamil BrzezińskiThe quality of life vs. the attachment to one’s place of residence. On the example of Łódź[more]
- Wojciech SońtaAndy Merrifield, Nowa kwestia miejska, tłum. P. Juskowiak, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, XXXII, 190 s. (recenzja)[more]