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- Tomasz Grzegorz GrosseCohesion policy during the crisis ofthe eurozone[more]
- Paweł SwianiewiczHorizontal equalization oflocal government fiance – European experience[more]
- Mikołaj Herbst, Jakub RokInterregional mobility ofstudents and graduates in the transition economy. Evidence from the Polish social media network[more]
- Joanna Krukowska, Marta LackowskaMetropolitan colours of Europeanization. Institutionalization of cooperation in functional urban areas in Poland in the context ofnew EU cohesion policy instruments[more]
- Magdalena GórczyńskaMétropole du Grand Paris 2016: Housing policy in the Paris metropolitan area[more]
- Tomasz Jerzyński, Rafał Smoczyński, Tomasz ZaryckiRegional peculiarities in the functioning and perception ofold noble traditions among Polish students[more]
- Przemysław ŚleszyńskiSystem osadniczy i zasięgi oddziaływania miast a podział terytorialny kraju. Diagnoza, ocena, optymalizacja (sprawozdanie z konferencji)[more]