Published in

- Patrícia Horváth, Anikó Tompos, Petra KecskésExploring the Spatial Distribution and Location Choice of Companies in a Hungarian Agglomeration[more]
- Michał Gzik, Marcin FrenkelCity Diplomacy Practices Towards China and the United States in the Western Balkans. Examples from Croatian and Slovenian Cities[more]
- Stanislav KonečnýThe Hierarchy of Interests as a Decision-Making Criterion in the NIMBY Situation[more]
- Aleksandra NowakowskaThe Concept of Territorial Capital: A Revolution or an Evolution in the Perspective of Local and Regional Development?[more]
- Andrzej Cieślik, Tomasz MisiakThe Effect of Inter-Sectoral Links on the Dynamics of Human Capital in Polish NUTS II Level Regions[more]
- Dominik Staśkiewicz, Oliwia Haręża, Urszula Protyńska, Michał MałyszThe Karkonosze Light-Rail in the Face of the Mobility Challenges of the Jelenia Góra Agglomeration[more]
- Maciej J. NowakVincent Nadin, Giancarlo Cotella, Peter Schmitt (red.) (2024). Spatial Planning Systems in Europe: Comparison and Trajectories. Elgar Studies in Planning Theory, Policy and Practice. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing[more]