Published in

- Phil CookeProximities, Knowledges and Innovation Biographies[more]
- Michał DobroczyńskiASEAN and MERCOSUR – Original Patterns of the Southern Integration[more]
- Marek FurmankiewiczCross-sector Co-operation in Area-based Partnerships in Rural Areas of Poland[more]
- Janusz HellerFinancial Independence of Local Governments in Poland[more]
- Bohdan JałowieckiPolish-German Border Area in the Opinions of Its Inhabitants[more]
- Marek W. KozakDelivery System of the European Regional Policy in Poland after Accession[more]
- Sławomir MaciejczykAnalyses of Financial Performance in Private Sector and Evaluation of Local Governments[more]
- Krzysztof RybińskiGlobalisation and Monetary Policy[more]
- Tomasz ZaryckiZbigniew Rykiel, 2006, Podstawy geografii politycznej, Warszawa: Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, s. 263. (recenzja)[more]