Published in

- Paweł SwianiewiczThe Switchbacks of Decentralisation Reforms in Ukraine[more]
- Serhii Horbliuk, Oleh BrovkoThe Territorial and Decentralization Reform in Ukraine (2014–2020)[more]
- Rostyslav А. Kаliuzhnyj, Yevhen O. Bytyrin, Liudmyla A. Shapenko, Yaroslav V. Zhuravel, Alona A. LukashenkoAdvantages and Disadvantages of the Local Government Reform in Ukraine and Other Countries: A Comparative Legal Analysis[more]
- Anna GralewskaTamed Ugliness: The Problems of Shaping and Appreciating the Aesthetics of Polish Urban Spaces[more]
- Łukasz OlejnikInvestment Grants from Central Government Funds to Local Governments of 2019–2021: An Alignment Bias?[more]
- Bartosz CzepilUtilising the 2nd Instalment of the Central Government Fund for the Local Investments as an Instrument of Clientelistic Politics Towards the Local Government from the Perspective of Experiences of the Opolskie Voivodeship[more]
- Justyna Orchowska“You Cannot See the Bus at All”: Life in the Areas of Transport Exclusion[more]
- Roman SzulAndrzej Miszczuk, Magdalena Miszczuk: Lokalna polityka gospodarcza w Polsce. Uwarunkowania – instytucje – instrumenty, Norbertinum, Lublin 2021, 260 stron[more]