Published in

- Mikołaj Herbst, Piotr WójcikDiffusion of economic development from metropolitan cities in Poland. Delimitation on the basis of spatial correlation[more]
- Paweł Swianiewicz, Karolina OlszowiecNeighbourhood council as a path to political career development in big Polish cities[more]
- Dominika Wojtowicz, Tomasz KupiecComplementarity between programmes and projects within the Regional Policy. The case of the Łódzkie Voivodship[more]
- Jacek GądeckiDiscovering the ideal city. Marginal gentrification of the old part of the Nowa Huta district[more]
- Janusz Heller, Marcin BogdańskiThe Role of the University of Warmia and Mazury in the formation of the functional macroregion of the Olsztyn agglomeration[more]
- Marcin BędzieszakFees and user charges in large Polish cities[more]
- Dorota Celińska-JanowiczSprawozdanie z konferencji… „Polityka miejska – wyzwania, doświadczenia, inspiracje”[more]
- Roman SzulElżbieta Anna Sekuła, Bohdan Jałowiecki, Piotr Majewski, Walter Żelazny (red.), Być narodem? Ślązacy o Śląsku (recenzja)[more]
- Wojciech SońtaJozef Tvrdoň (red.), Trh nehnuteľností (recenzja)[more]