The development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution has caused numerous problems in traditional labour markets, occurring both at the national level and the level of individual regions of the country. However, breakthrough technologies of the recent decade have initiated new forms of labour organisation, mainly digital jobs and the formation of a digital labour market, which contributes to solving the problems mentioned above. The paper’s goal is to assess the readiness of the economy of Ukraine and its regions for forming a digital labour market to determine promising strategic directions for its development. The findings justify the significant prospects for developing the digital labour market in Ukraine at the national and regional levels. Also, they determine the priority types of digital jobs in selected regions as well as form the methodological basis, information, and analytical base of the organisational and economic mechanism for managing its development.
Aktywność ekologiczna gmin może być bardzo istotnym elementem zwiększania ich atrakcyjności. Współczesne możliwości technologii cyfrowych pozwalają na zastosowanie inteligentnych rozwiązań i zrealizowanie wielu postulatów ekonomicznych i społecznych na przykład z perspektywy problemów ekologicznych. W artykule zbadano miasta i gminy na pograniczu polsko-niemieckim w aspekcie ich aktywności w rozwiązywaniu problemów ekologicznych. W badaniu wskazano przede wszystkim stopień aktywności gmin w realizacji fakultatywnych projektów ekologicznych oraz zdiagnozowano niski stopień udziału gmin w przedsięwzięciach transgranicznych. Kluczowym wynikiem jest zaprojektowanie badania ankietowego w taki sposób, aby było one uniwersalnym narzędziem do badania dojrzałości ekologicznej, w sposób cykliczny, niskokosztowy, a dający szereg informacji poprzez weryfikację różnych obszarów aktywności gmin, a następnie sformułowanie wniosków dla polityki klimatycznej, regionalnej itd. Przez badanie z jednej strony pobudzono potrzebę realizacji projektów ekologicznych, zwłaszcza o charakterze transgranicznym, a z drugiej prowadzono działania edukacyjne i wskazywano na różne możliwe rozwiązania.
The motivation for this paper comes from the recognition that our understanding of specialisation might be too simplistic and that the dichotomy of specialisation and diversification could be outdated not reflecting the richness of real complex economic and technological relations among industries. Drawing on a qualitative study of the Hamburg Aviation (HAv) cluster, this paper discusses the peculiarities of a cluster profile in the digital time – the age of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), touching upon the issues of cluster structure and the complexity of production, synchronising specialisation with diversification, branching, and bridging, and the I4.0 attributes facilitating complementarity. The final research proposal, which is empirically embedded in the studied context, states that related variety encompassing both ‘specialisation in diversification’ and ‘diversification within specialisation’ can be further developed by a blending process. This can lead to branching and is modulated by the universal character of the I4.0 and a problem-solving attitude. It takes the form of an additive (new entries) or multiplicative (spinoffs) evolution, and, ultimately, owing to the complementarity, it can provide sustainable competitive advantages.
The article was published in Polish in "Studia Regionalne i Lokalne", 2/2009
The reforms driven by New Public Management (NPM) led to the introduction of management principles in local governments, marketisation and outsourcing. They made the greatest impact in the United Kingdom, but were also put in place in other European countries such as Ireland, Sweden, Germany, and – to the least degree – in France (compared to other countries discussed in this paper). There is a risk that NPM-inspired reforms may come to lose sight of the underlying social purpose of public services. NPM has not however become a new, universal model for public sector management. Issues tackled in the debate concerning the reform of public services have moved (mostly in the UK) beyond the concerns of NPM towards the emerging concept of networked community governance.
The article is devoted to researching the Labour Market Digital Ecosystem (LMDES) in terms of its effect on the recruitment process during the remote work outspread. The research aims at analysing remote staff attraction through job portals using the Job board software and determining their impact on recruitment. The LMDES applies automation of the staff searching and selecting, scouring for employment opportunities, and the remote interaction with employers, recruiting agencies, applicants, and job seekers in the digital environment. The creation of a virtual space for such an effective interaction can be realised through a Job board software.