Whose is the city? This question only superficially refers to the past when at least some cities were in fact law-making, autonomous communities of their citizens. Unlike in the past, the contemporary city is a random collection of individuals gathered in a space with no clear boundaries, who in their majority have a weak sense of identification with the place of their residence, whether longer or shorter. The residents of such a city are not citizens but merely users of space which has become a commodity. Taking Warsaw as an example, the paper shows the process of selling out the city space, which is driven by globalisation and metropolisation processes. The consequence of this is privatisation and fragmentation of space, leading to the evaporation of public space in the city.
Postindustrial agglomerations struggling with image deficits and environmental problems are looking for new development paths to take. One of these paths can bring about the development of business tourism, including the industry of the organisation of meetings and events. The unique and attractive character of the place can favour taking such a direction. The business tourism sector can therefore become an instrument contributing to the sustainable metropolisation of the city by building up its position in the global network of flows. The development of the meetings and events sector allows, therefore, for a change of image, for a re-evaluation of endogenous resources, including those relating to the industrial past, and for tapping into the unlimited resources of the global network. Increased attention in this network may lead to an influx of more events, and of investors as well. Replacing heavy industry with an enlarged service sector and modern industry based on flexible and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises fosters sustainable development. The meetings and events industry can become a tool for sustainable development and the promotion of its ideas, related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The trajectory outlined above seems very promising. However, to some extent, it is just a hypothesis. The author undertakes to test it on the example of Katowice, a former industrial city which has decided to follow the route outlined above to become a city that hosts many events, including the COP24 summit in 2018. In the article, the author presents empirical research studies whose authors tried to determine whether the path the city has chosen has a real impact on its image and development. The author also deals with the question of the sustainability of such a development path and the conditions for its self-support in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
The article was published in Polish in "Studia Regionalne i Lokalne", 1/2009
The aim of the paper is to identify and diagnose problems relating to Poland`s metropolitan areas. In the frst part, the authors offer a review of the most important features metropolisation process and indicate problems associated with such processes on the local and regional scales. This is followed by an identification of major urban centres in Poland, and a delimitation of their metropolitan areas. In the subsequent part of the study, the identified metropolitan areas are characterised in terms of their pertinent development problems. Finally, a set of conclusions and recommendations is proposed, with the aim of improving the functioning of the largest cities and their environment.
Miasto jest obrazem zamieszkującego je społeczeństwa, dzieli wraz z nim jego los. Sytuacja Warszawy jest zatem pochodną sytuacji Polski – dużego, ale stosunkowo słabo rozwiniętego kraju położonego na peryferiach Europy. Ogólnokrajowe uwarunkowania sprawiają, że miasto to nie znajduje się w gronie najważniejszych europejskich metropolii. Jednocześnie duży napływ inwestycji zagranicznych i obecność w Warszawie filii międzynarodowych korporacji zapoczątkowały metropolizację miasta zrujnowanego przez wojnę i źle odbudowanego wg wzorów realnego socjalizmu. Zderzenie „starego” i „nowego” jest przyczyną kontrastów i braku nierównowagi. Podobne zjawiska obserwować można także w miastach Trzeciego Świata. Istotne jest jednak pytanie, czy te kontrasty zmniejszają się, czy przeciwnie – utrzymują, a nawet rosną? Tekst ten jest próbą odpowiedzi na to pytanie.