Published in

- Anna Lewandowska, Robert Pater, Łukasz CywińskiDeterminants of business innovation in the Regional Innovation System context. Policy implications for a less developed region[more]
- Paweł Swianiewicz, Anna KurniewiczStepping out of the shadow? Studies of local governments in Central and Eastern Europe in European academic research[more]
- Wojciech OpiołaImpact of ethnic diversity on the level of social capital in local communities. A comparative study of selected municipalities in the Opolskie Voivodship[more]
- Waldemar A. Gorzym-WilkowskiThe essence of regional spatial planning and the planning theory[more]
- Michał DudekSocio-demographic and spatial changes in the economic activity of rural population in Poland in 2010–2016[more]
- Mieczysław Adamowicz, Magdalena Zwolińska-LigajCity image and identity as instruments to strengthen attractiveness and development processes – the example of Biała Podlaska[more]
- Adam GendźwiłłAndreas Ladner, Nicolas Keuffer, Harald Baldersheim, Nikos Hlepas, Pawel Swianiewicz, Kristof Steyvers, Carmen Navarro, Patterns of Local Autonomy in Europe (recenzja)[more]