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Oksana Kravchuk, Iryna Varis, Viktoriia Zalizniuk, Tatiana Kaluzhna, Alla Samko

The Regional Disproportions of Labour Market Risks in Ukraine

DOI: 10.7366/1509499529205
The Regional Disproportions of Labour Market Risks in Ukraine
The article contains a regional analysis of the Ukrainian labour market risks and its minimisation recommendations in the war period. The war’s consequences were the forced migration spread, the labour force reduction, the unemployment increase, and the decline in real incomes. The analysis of regional disproportions of labour market risks during the war showed that jobs declined, wages decreased, labour supply-demand imbalance and labour competition increased in the regions with the most consequences of military actions. The migration, unemployment, and wages trend became a base for developing the labour markets advantages matrix for Ukraine’s regions.
Oksana Kravchuk: Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman; Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management; 54/1 Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv 03057, Ukraine; ORCID: 0000-0002-6337-7759;
Iryna Varis: Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Department of Socioeconomics and Personnel Management; 54/1 Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv 03057, Ukraine; ORCID: 0000-0002-9502-5045;
Viktoriia Zalizniuk: State University of Trade and Economics, Department of World Economy; Kyoto Street 19, Kyiv, Ukraine; ORCID: 0000-0002-7014-0207;
Tatiana Kaluzhna: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun, Andragogy Department; Maksym Berlinsky Street 9, Kyiv 04060, Ukraine; ORCID: 0000-0003-3118-2575;
Alla Samko: National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education named after Ivan Zyazyun, Andragogy Department; Maksym Berlinsky Street 9, Kyiv 04060, Ukraine; ORCID: 0000-0003-0785-0510;